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Kartlegging av interesse 2022-05-13
Kilde: https://garasjen.slack.com/archives/C2K35RDNJ/p1652440860308049
Likes: :raisedhands: * 5 (per 2022-05-26)
Idé til fagopplegg - graceful startup, graceful shutdown. Forklare signaler (SIGTERM, SIGKILL, …), håndtering av signaler, reagere på Ctrl+C. Eventuelt også liveness og readiness i Kubernetes. Hvis det hadde blitt arrangert noe sånt, ville du deltatt? (edited)
Eilef - oh yes please! Henrik - kill -9 <pid>
eksempler på bundling eksempler på unbundling
verdi - arbeidsflyter verktøy - prismodeller
Would be interesting to compare this to Zach Tellman’s book.
Elements of Clojure
Source: https://elementsofclojure.com/
The first chapter, Names, explains why names define the structure of our software, and how to judge whether a name is any good.
The second chapter, Idioms, provides specific, syntactic advice for writing Clojure which is clean and readable.
The third chapter, Indirection, looks at how code can be made simpler and more robust through separation.
The final chapter, Composition, explores how the constituent pieces of our code can be combined into an effective whole.
Idea: playground.edn
file in each
folder. Contains information on how to build, and what dependencies we
More ideas: Put declarative files around. playground.edn
or something else. Use those to
build up a model of how everything fits together. From that model
(sqlite databse, plain file, etc), generate a makefile. Then we can just
use the makefile.
Consider supporting compiling to a different folder than root. That way, we can separate cleanly between build artefacts that should be served, and all the other stuff. But that’s not for now.
I wanted to make a new page to explore what happens to code blocks. I was … well, I didn’t like it. There was friction. I couldn’t just create a new page and start writing. I had to think, consider, remember.
Perhaps I can create a CLI. ./playground
./playground create-page explore
There’s conflict between